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Record Readers in Prison or Jail

Storybook Project volunteers have numerous opportunities throughout the year to visit various prisons across the state. Volunteers usually commit a whole morning to recording readers in the prison, but depending on the number of volunteers and the number of readers, on occasion we may continue to work through the early afternoon. We welcome you whenever you have time to join us.

Volunteers who wish to go to the prison with us will need to be pre-vetted by the Arkansas Department of Corrections. This multi-step process involves filling out and submitting forms, attending a one-hour online training session, filling out and submitting more forms, and going to the ADC administration building in Pine Bluff to have a volunteer badge made. Please email us at if you would like to volunteer, and we will help you get vetted and badged.

Prison Etiquette
  • Volunteers are to accept nothing from readers and bring nothing in to deliver to readers.

  • Be professional; handshakes are ok but hugs are discouraged because they can be misconstrued.

  • No underwire bras

  • No smart watches or cell phones

  • No sandals of any kind 

  • Don't wear all white

  • No flashy jewelry or dangly earrings with wires

  • No clothing with writing or that could be considered revealing or in any way inappropriate

  • Bring nothing in but your ADC badge, eye glasses, money for the coke machine and car keys (for those driving)

  • Don't take photographs of inmates or guards anywhere in or outside the prison 

  • If you have had a knee replacement, bring a card stating that you have had this procedure.

  • The prison is usually cool, so a light jacket or sweater is advisable.

  • If in doubt, ask the most senior prison staff available for clarification.

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